Friday, August 3, 2012


This is crazy, the past few days have flown by SO FAST and I have SO MUCH I need to write about, but first things first....I am leaving China in about 4 hours!! This week was a blur of traveling and goodbyes; we tried to cram so much into so little time, and now it is really starting to sink in how much I am going to miss everyone I've gotten so close with here. My laptop is pretty low on battery but I'm sitting at the airport waiting to check my bags and thinking about all that's happened here and what we managed to squeeze into the last week: one last shopping trip at ancient culture street, 2 eighteen hour train rides, a whirlwind trip to Xi'an (which I loved and I must go back), saying goodbye to friends in Tianjin, millions of pictures, and our final crazy day in Beijing. Now there are only a few of us left in China, and I don't know if I will meet up with everyone before we catch our remaining flights, but we all said goodbye last night before going off to different hotels and hostels. The hardest was definitely saying goodbye to Stevie, which was at 7:30 this morning and we were so sleep deprived it didn't even seem like it was real, but I know I will see her again and we will keep in touch for years to come, I'm sure of it. Anyway this is getting really mushy now but you get the gist of it, many touching memories, countless adventures, and friends that I will treasure for the rest of my life. God bless and see you in the states! ...this is not the end of my blog ..still gotta write about a couple of things before I can walk away ;)

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